Tuesday, July 23, 2013

New series (2013) "Bara" ברא

Reeshone  רשון "Fiat Lux" 2013
36x48in Mixed media on canvas
(click images to enlarge)

 Reeshone רשון "Aether" 2013
50x50in Mixed media on cavas

Reeshone רשון "Scindo" 2013
30x40in Mixed media on canvas

Shayni שיני "Sphaera" 2013 
30x40in Mixed media on canvas

Shlishi שלישי "Makom" 2013
36x48in Mixed media on canvas

Shlishi שלישי "Ovum" 2013
36x48in Mixed media on canvas

Revee'ee רביעי "Hora" 2013
48x30in Mixed media on canvas

Kamishi חמישי "Faunus" 2013
30x40in Mixed media on canvas

(Hashishi ששי *in progress)

Shabbat שבת "Res Gestae" 2013
30x40in Mixed media on canvas

Monday, July 15, 2013

Working concept and titles for my first series-a midrash-transliteration of the days of creation from the Hebrew using concept of eluding direct representation. How far can I distill a composition before losing epistemological idealism?

Reeshone "Aether"
Shayni "Makom"
Shlishi "Ovum"
Shlishi "recedo"
Revee'ee "hora"
Kamishi "faunus"
Hashishi "conjunctio"
Shabbat "Res gestae"

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Series progress

Saturated colors in underpainting and acrylic 3D paint to create embossed lines. Also started using tar to create dark areas. It stains subsequent layers of white creating new, unexpected tones.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

tweeterfeed post


Translucent White


Try replacing the titanium with zinc white, not enthused about using a brittle medium, however.

Translucent White

After reading the Dickblick info on water soluble oils, I decided to try a new white mixture. This is in an attempt to create less opaque mixtures of titanium white. I am experimenting on creating richer, more complex whites in my paintings using multiple layers of semi-transparent and translucent paint. The transparency is affected by more linseed and medium in the mixture. Translucency is affected by proportions of interference pigments. I applied a mixture of 1 part titanium white (water soluble oil) to one part heavy gel medium (acrylic). Emulsified it using quickdry medium, linseed oil (both water soluble), and powdered pigment before thinning with water.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

work in progress layer1

It's coming out looking very much like a jellyfish, which I must avoid being too representational. It must have been due to the marine like shapes I was enjoying in the last work. I would like to see just how simple I can push this in subsequent layers. Underlayers of acrylic and 3D paint, glass bead gel, moss. Keep whiping off the raised details as white is painted on. Added 1 layer of dark glaze. I like how this adds dimension to the raised tenebrous areas, but may be wasted effort as white goes on. Try making the white layers more trasparent by increasing the ratio of medium and linseed to pigment.

Untitled 2012b

This painting was finished rather quickly. Added glass bead infused acrylic gel, charcoal black, interference blue and sgraffito technique minimally. There is a slightly "marine" or cell-like feel to the shapes that I enjoy.

*July '13-Looking back on how this has changed. The color I like better here, though conceptually I like where it went.

Untitled 2012

First layers. "3D" acrylic metallic paints squeezed from bottles. Added some gold leaf into cell-like structures. Modge podged torn paper fiber underneath. Gesso and charcoal make up the underlayers of the background.