Thursday, January 5, 2012

New painting, "Portal" layer 1 and 2

I am working on a new piece I am tentatively titling "Portal" as that is what is seemingly emerging subconciously as I work. I'm not quite sure about the symmetry, it's not really my style, being too static, but we'll see where that leads. One reason I feel myself struggling with it is the symmetry and visual weight of that dark, central shape doesn't allow me to play with the composition as I would like. I usually like to flip the canvas several times to work out the design and to keep from working representationally. Most likely, I need to obliterate that shape altogether so that it won't dictate how the piece develops. Feel free to critique if so inclined, input is greatly appreciated.

This is layer2, the center "portal" is made using the charcoal black from the demo. I think you can see how wet looking it remains even when dry.

Layer1:  Using compressed charcoal, I work out some compositional elements. I initially intended to have the small shape in the lower left loosely connected with sgraffito and impasto elements to the small scale elements in the upper right. They kind of reach out for each other with tentacles, like some single celled organisms or something. Then, the portal emerged. Perhaps it's referencing birth or a metaverse.

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